
The Splendid Toadfish

Diving in Cozumel doesn’t really need incentives with the crystal clear, warm blue water and some of the best diving in this hemisphere.  But the opportunity to see a species that can only be seen there is a mighty compelling incentive.

The Splendid Toadfish. sanopus splendidus, is native to Cozumel and only found there, although we have heard some reports, unconfirmed by us, that divers are now seeing them on occasion in Belize. Belonging to the family Batrachoididae, a predatory group of bottom dwelling fishes, distinctive features include a large, broad head and wide mouth, the vibrant zebra striping on the head and upper torso and of course, those bright neon yellow fins that create a “glow” underneath the fish.

Cozumel October 2016

Not recorded by science until 1974, the Splendid Toadfish is an ambush predator that lurks head out from its den underneath coral overhangs and ledges waiting for an unwary snack to swim too close.  With unique patterning of zebra like stripes and catfish like barbells hanging under its chin and blazing neon yellow lining the edge of its eight fins and the inside of its mouth, this marine beauty is stunning to see.

Sought after by underwater photographers, you can find them along sandy areas adjoining reef ledges, in the 30-60 foot range.  Go slow, take your time and enjoy finding and capturing this splendid example of marine splendor.

Photos of the Splendid Toadfish can be seen in both the 2016 and 2017 Cozumel albums.

Cozumel October 2016

Cozumel October 2016